Episode 338 “Same Tune Different Dancers.”


Native Opinion Episode 338
“Same Tune Different Dancers.”

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The insistence to keep the same old practices and using the same old excuses to justify them is getting tiresome. It is the same tune with different dancers.


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**One of our listeners, Hal, provided us a series of examples from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)

Hal Writes: “If I’m watching The National Canadian news, I hear news stories related to the Indigenous people every night. I hope it continues and every Canadian who at least listens to the news or follows the app becomes a bit more educated and real change happens. I understand that even if it’s covered not everyone will pay attention, but it is hopeful, I think.”

The following are a series of articles for which Hal provided links to.**

Mary Simon officially becomes Canada’s first Inuk Governor General

The U.S. and Canada share a troubling history with residential schools

Major museum and art gallery shops duped by fake Indigenous carver

Grassy Narrows to get $68.9M more from Ottawa for centre to care for people with mercury poisoning

Some wildfire evacuees return home to northeast Manitoba, but more than 2,000 stuck in limbo

I’m a pastor; in the face of genocide, the soul of my church is threatened

Residential school survivors demand Sask. court release Catholic compensation document

Culture camp on Sask. First Nation gives youth rare opportunity to learn land-based skills

learm more about Bruce Dietzen “Hemp Car” designs here

Biomass explained

Former ‘sundown town’ stands by siren amid reckoning

Mi’kmaw harvesting lobster under heavy police, federal presence

American Indian Actor Saginaw Grant, 85, Passes Away


Iowa racetrack fires PA announcer after rant against ‘folks’ with ‘darker-toned skin color’

Charlie Kirk’s DISGUSTING Tirade on Simone Biles: The Young Turks segment

Kutupitush! (Thank You!) for listening!