San Juan's Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz
By Michael Kickingbear
The recent devastation created by hurricane "Maria" to the Island of Puerto Rico has been elevated by the lack of federal support, and a fundamental lack of understanding that Puerto Rico....IS part of the United States! The A-hole occupant of the white house this week has chosen to (once again) focus on the crisis on the Island in the wrong manner.
By publicly berating the government of Puerto Rico in reminding the public as to the financial struggles they are having. That has NOTHING to do with the emergency needs of the people.
Couple that with Trump (and we have to assume some of the Republican leadership) sluggish response to lifting restrictions on the Jones act which places a hardship on getting relief supplies to Puerto Rico.
These events finally led to the Mayor of San Juan, San Juan's Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz, to angrily plead for the help for the people of Puerto Rico. She also properly placed blame on Trump and the administration for not responding fast enough, and that her people are dying. Trump responds by saying that Mayor Cruz, and the people of Puerto Rico "Want everything done for them"
Regardless of what Trump and his merry band of idiots do, "We The People" will help the people of Puerto Rico. Here are some ways YOU can help:
- United for Puerto Rico
- Direct Relief
- Hispanic Federation
- Save the Children
- International Medical Corps
- Americares
- Global Giving
GoFundMe's Hurricane Maria hub
Register with the Emergency Management Agency here:
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Review the National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster.
If none of these are possible for you, then please...join us in getting the word out about the need in Puerto Rico... it's been nearly two weeks since Maria hit... let's hit back....with a strong showing of love and support