Cultural insensitivity has existed since the beginning of time. One would be correct to believe that such lapses of sensitivity would begin to evolve and move away from a developed, progressive society. In America, cultural insensitivity has and is a money making past time that has very few rivals. The fight against using Native American imagery as sports logos is not new. To feign ignorance about knowing there is an on going fight to ban the use of Native American imagery for sports logos, is at best, an attempt to not be responsible to do ones part in helping to stop the use of Native American logos. The claim to care about the use of said logos, and the lack of action to support the removal of said logos is an act of cowardice, and it is ingenious.
My Co-Host Michael Kickingbear, a member of the Mashantucket Pequot Tribe which is located in Connecticut stated: "Some people here in CT are "Closet Racists". I no longer say that people like this are "ignorant" or "uninformed". They CHOOSE to be racist. They CHOOSE to not try to understand another point of view. They CHOOSE to not learn about another culture to better themselves. "Ignorance" can infer that someone isn't exposed to something. It doesn't always mean they consciously disregard something they don't understand. Willfully creating images like this (T-Shirt) does not demonstrate ignorance. It demonstrates a desire to not be inclusive and perpetuate racism. If I catch anyone wearing this shirt in public, they will hear from me publicly and I will video document the encounter."
After Mascot Ban at CT High School - Parent Designs ‘F*ck You’ Finger Headdress T-Shirt
Soon after a Native mascot image ban at two West Hartford Connecticut high schools in 2015, a Conard Chieftain high school parent alumni created a t-shirt with an image of a Native American man in a headdress with an emblem of a ‘f*ck you’ middle finger hidden in the medallion.........
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